Sets or returns information about primary connection configuration parameters.
sp_configprimaryconn conn_name [, param [, value]]
is the name of a primary database connection. Connection names must be specified in the form ds.db, where:
ds is the name of the data server on which the primary database resides.
db is the name of the primary database.
is the name of an ASE Replicator connection configuration parameter.
Table 4-2 lists ASE Replicator primary connection configuration parameters:
Parameter |
Description |
gen_id |
Database generation ID (first two bytes in the connection’s locator value) |
lti_version |
Log scan protocol version number |
mode |
Scan mode for the primary database log |
numrecs |
Maximum number of records returned by each log scan |
queue_size |
Maximum number of log operations kept in an internal queue |
scan_sleep_increment |
Number of seconds sleep time increases between empty log scans |
scan_sleep_max |
Maximum number of seconds between log scans |
timeout |
Number of seconds to block if the end of the log is reached before the maximum number of records (numrecs) are read |
See “Connection configuration parameters” for more detailed information about these connection configuration parameters.
is the value to which the configuration parameter (param) is set. Numeric values are treated as strings and must be enclosed in quotes.
sp_configprimaryconn "boulder.doc", timeout, "30"
Sets the value of the timeout configuration parameter to 30 for the primary connection to the database doc on the data server boulder.
When listing information about connection configuration parameters, the following result set is returned:
Column |
Datatype |
Description |
parameter_name |
varchar(128) |
Name of the configuration parameter |
default_value |
varchar(255) |
Default value of the parameter |
legal_values |
varchar(255) |
Legal values of the parameter |
description |
varchar(255) |
Description of the parameter |
When sp_configprimaryconn is invoked with a connection name (conn_name) specified, but no parameter (param), it returns the values of all connection configuration parameters for the specified connection.
When sp_configprimaryconn is invoked with a connection name (conn_name) and a parameter (param) specified, but no value (value), it returns the value of the specified parameter for the specified connection.
When sp_configprimaryconn is invoked with a connection name (conn_name), a parameter (param), and a value (value) specified, it sets the specified parameter to the specified value for the specified connection.
When the requested action occurs successfully, no results are returned.
When an error occurs, an error message is returned.
sp_addprimaryconn, sp_dropprimaryconn, sp_helpprimaryconn