Command line options

Table 3-5 lists the command line options that you can use when installing DI Suite components in console mode, or using a response file.

Table 3-5: Command line options




Runs the installer in console mode. This is applicable for Sun Solaris only.

To view installation messages, use -is:javaconsole with this option.


Displays the Java console during installation. This has no effect on the mode in which the installer runs.

-is:javahome Java home directory

Indicates that the installer or uninstaller uses the specified JVM rather than the default. You can specify the home directory for only version 1.4.x.

-is:tempdir directory

Sets the path to the temporary directory (directory) to which the installer should write its temporary files. If the specified directory does not exist or is not a directory, the installer uses the system temp directory instead, and no error message is provided.

-log !filename

Initializes logging for the installer, where filename is the name of a file to save the log information. If you specify “!” without a file name, the default log file name is used.

-options-template responseFileName

Automatically generates a response/options “template” type file (responseFileName) that you can use to provide user input during installation.

-options-record responseFileName

Automatically generates a response/options “record” type file responseFileName after the completion of the installation or uninstallation.

-options responseFileName

Specifies that a response/options file (responseFileName) be used to execute the installation/uninstallation, which contains command line options, one command per line, that set specified properties for the installation. A response/options file is usually used when a silent installation is run (see the next option).


Specifies to install or uninstall the product in silent mode, where the installation/uninstallation is performed with no user interaction.

Use this option with -is:javaconsole option.

-W name.subproperty nam>=value

Specifies properties to the installer. Use this option to agree to the Sybase license conditions during a silent installation.

-G globalWizardProperty = “value

Sets the global wizard properties on the command line or in a responseFile. This option sets the expected response from the end user during silent installation or uninstallation. This option must include at least one argument.

These are the globalWizardProperty=“value” options you can specify:

  • replaceExistingResponse=”yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end-user response whether to replace a file that currently exists on their system with the one being installed.

  • replaceNewerResponse=”yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end-user response whether to replace a file that currently exists on their system with the one being installed if the existing file is newer than the file being installed.

  • removeExistingResponse=”yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end-user response to whether to remove a file that currently exists on their system.

  • removeModifiedResponse= ”yes | no | yesToAll | noToAll”

    Set this to store the end-user response whether to remove a file that has been modified since installation.

  • overwriteJVM=”yes | no | cancel”

    Set this to determine whether to overwrite “_jvm” directory, if it already exists on the target system. The JVM Resolution bean looks for the value of this property which, if set to “no” or “cancel” prevents the directory from being overwritten.

NoteWhen using the command line option, specify the full path, including the file name, for the responseFileName.