Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging requires ASE 12.5.4 or later, or an ASE 15.0 ESD#2 or later, and a standard message bus in your environment.
DI Suite installer does not install ASE or the messaging
software. You must purchase ASE separately and install it before
you install the Sybase Real-Time Events component. You must also
have the message bus software installed in your environment.
Install Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging on a machine that already contains an ASE 12.5.4 or later, or an ASE 15.0 ESD#2 or later installation.
Set the following environment variables correctly:
Environment variable |
Value |
%SYBASE% (Windows) $SYBASE (UNIX) |
Installation directory of Real-Time Events |
PATH (Windows) LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Solaris) |
Location of messaging software’s shared libraries |
Install messaging software on a separate machine.