Sybase Real-Time Events deployment

Sybase Real-Time Events captures transactions (data changes) in a heterogeneous database and delivers them as events to external applications in real time. These events are delivered to applications through a message bus such as Java Message Services (JMS) or IBM WebSphere MQ.

DI Suite includes two Sybase Real-Time Events components you can use to capture and propagate data changes from heterogeneous databases to standard messaging architectures:

The Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging and Sybase Real-Time Events configuration are separate licenses enabled through the DI Suite installer. Depending on the license you enter, the DI installer displays the relevant Sybase Real-Time Events component you can install.

NoteWith Sybase Real-Time Events ASE Active Messaging license, you will also obtain the Sybase Real-Time Events license. You can choose to install either license or both of these licenses to suit your requirements.

Before you install, read the following sections, which contain Sybase-recommended deployment architecture and installation recommendations for each Sybase Real-Time Events component.