Using set options to control parallelism for a session

Two set options let you restrict the degree of parallelism on a session basis or in stored procedures or triggers. These options are useful for tuning experiments with parallel queries and can also be used to restrict noncritical queries to run in serial, so that worker processes remain available for other tasks. The set options are summarized in Table 24-2.

Table 24-2: set options for parallel execution tuning




Sets the maximum number of worker processes for a query in a session, stored procedure, or trigger. Overrides the max parallel degree configuration parameter, but must be less than or equal to the value of max parallel degree.


Sets the maximum number of worker processes for a hash-based scan during a specific session, stored procedure, or trigger. Overrides the max scan parallel degree configuration parameter but must be less than or equal to the value of max scan parallel degree.

If you specify a value that is too large for set either option, the value of the corresponding configuration parameter is used, and a message reports the value in effect. While set parallel_degree or set scan_parallel_degree is in effect during a session, the plans for any stored procedures that you execute are not placed in the procedure cache. Procedures executed with these options in effect may produce suboptimal plans.