Figure 24-7 shows a nested-loop join query performing a partition-based scan on a table with three partitions, and a hash-based index scan, with two worker processes on the second table. When parallel access methods are used on more than one table in a nested-loop join, the total number of worker processes required is the product of worker process for each scan. In this case, six workers perform the query, with each worker process scanning both tables. Two worker processes scan each partition in the first table, and all six worker processes navigate the index tree for the second table and scan the leaf pages. Each worker process accesses the data pages that correspond to its hash value.
The optimizer chooses a parallel plan for a table only when a scan returns 20 pages or more. These types of join queries require 20 or more matches on the join key for the inner table in order for the inner scan to be optimized in parallel.
Figure 24-7: Join query using different parallel access methods on each table