Schema Remove mode is used to remove format definitions that are stored in a repository. For the New Era of Networks Formatter schemas, this also removes any .ncm files. (An .ncm file is created each time you load a format to the formatter database. The .ncm file contains an abstraction of the format that was loaded to the formatter database.) Before calling deliverData() and processData(), the e-ADK verifies the incoming NDO against the format described by the XML in the .ncm file. If the NDO is not in the correct format, the e-ADK throws an exception, the message goes to the failure transport, and the next message is processed. If the structure of your data has changed, for example, if you change your SAP BAPI configuration, you should remove the old schema before installing the new schema.
The Adapter Shell requires Schema Remove mode in the configuration file to remove formats from the format repository. You must specify the appropriate SchemaLoader Factory and Library names. The names and valid entries are listed in “Configuration Keys”. The names of the top-level formats to be removed are specified in the schema.names configuration key. The must be set to false when you use the remove.schema.keys configuration key. Note that you must list all formats that you want removed using a comma-delimited list of format or schema names enclosed in parentheses. If you use the configuration key, you can remove all formats with the specified prefix by setting the key to true. Remember to comment out the actual values that are not used for the selected keys.