To be prepared for hardware or software failure on Adaptive Server, the two most important housekeeping tasks are:
Performing frequent backups of the master database and all user databases. See “Keep up-to-date backups of master” for more information. See also Chapter 28, “Restoring the System Databases,” for an overview of the process for recovering the master database.
Keeping a copy (preferably offline) of these system tables: sysusages, sysdatabases, sysdevices, sysloginroles, and syslogins. See “Keep offline copies of system tables” for more information. If you have copies of these scripts, and a hard disk crash or other disaster makes your database unusable, you can use the recovery procedures described in Chapter 28, “Restoring the System Databases.” If you do not have current copies of your scripts, it will be much more difficult to recover Adaptive Server when the master database is damaged.