This chapter describes how you use XQL to select raw data from Adaptive Server, using the XQL language and display the results as an XML document.
isql displays only the first 50 characters of a result set that is derived from XML data. However, the examples in this chapter display the entire result set for purposes of illustration. To see the entire result set for any of the examples, use com.sybase.xml.xql.XqlDriver to run the query. See “Other usages of the XQL package”. You can also use the JDBC client, which helps you to store the result as a java.lang.String.
Adaptive Server features a query engine written in Java, which you can either install in the server, or run outside the server. Running it outside the server is like running any Java program on the command line.
This chapter first addresses running the query engine as a standalone program, outside Adaptive Server. See“Installing XQL in Adaptive Server” for instructions on running the query engine inside Adaptive Server.