For each entry added to the interfaces file, the host name must be a logical host. You must create an entry for the logical host in /etc/hosts, NIS hosts map, or in the directory services, whichever is appropriate for your system. The logical host name in the interfaces file must be the same as the name used with the -l parameter of the scrgadm command used to add a LogicalHostName resource when you configure Adaptive Server to work with the Sun Cluster 3.0 subsystem.
Here is a sample interfaces file for a primary companion named MONEY1 and a secondary companion named PERSONEL1:
MONEY1 query tcp ether loghost-node1 9865 master tcp ether loghost-node1 9865 hafailover PERSONEL1
PERSONEL1 query tcp ether loghost-node2 9866 master tcp ether loghost-node2 9866 hafailover MONEY1
This interfaces file is also used by Adaptive Server clients.Here is a sample /etc/hosts file, which corresponds to the above interfaces files:
## Internet host table on machine node1# localhost10.22.98.43 node110.22.98.44 node210.22.98.165 loghost-node210.22.98.166 loghost-node1
Use dsedit to add entries to the interfaces file. If the interfaces entries already exist, you must modify them to work for failover.
See the Adaptive Server Utility Guide for information about dsedit.