Quick reference for dscp utility commands

dscp allows you to perform functions by entering commands at the dscp prompt. Table 5-2 provides a quick reference to these commands.

Table 5-2: dscp commands



add servername

Adds server entry servername in the current session. dscp prompts you for information about servername. Press Return to accept the default value, which is shown in square brackets [  ]. Enter “#done” to exit add mode.

addattr servername

Adds an attribute to the server entry servername in the current session.

close [sess]

Closes a session identified by the sess number. If you do not specify sess, closes the current session.


Displays configuration information related to your Sybase environment.

copy name1 to {name2 | sess | sess name2}

Copies server entry name1 in the current session to:

  • Server entry name2 in the current session,

  • Session sess, or

  • Server entry name2 in session sess.

copyall to sess

Copies all server entries in the current session to session sess.

del servername

Deletes server entry servername in the current session.


Deletes all server entries in the current session.


Exits dscp.

help, ?, h

Displays the online help.

list [all]

Lists the server entries for the current session. To list the names of the entries, use the list command. To list the attributes for each entry, use the list all command.

mod servername

Modifies server entry servername in the current session. dscp prompts you for information about servername. Press Return to accept the default value, which is shown in square brackets [ ]. Enter “#done” to exit modify mode.

open [dsname]

Opens a session for the specified directory service, where dsname is the directory service name. If you do not specify a value for dsname, this command opens a session for the default directory service. To open a session, specify the value “InterfacesDriver” for dsname.


Exits dscp.

read servername

Displays the contents of server entry servername.


Lists all open sessions.

[switch] sess

Makes session number sess the current session.