Opening an editing session

Windows NT

The Select Directory Service dialog box allows you to open a session with a directory service. You can open a session with:

StepsTo open a session in Windows NT

  1. Double-click on the local name of the directory service you want to connect to, as listed in the DS Name box, or

  2. Click on the local name of the directory service you want to connect to, as listed in the DS Name box, and click the OK button.

    Notedsedit uses the SYBASE environment variable to locate the libtcl.cfg file. If the SYBASE environment variable is not set correctly, dsedit cannot locate the libtcl.cfg file.

    Figure 4-1: Using dsedit to edit an interfaces file

    The session number and local name of the directory service appear in the header bar. In Figure 4-1, the session number and local directory service name are “DSEDIT1 - ntreg_dsa.”

StepsTo open additional sessions

dsedit allows you to have multiple sessions open at one time.

  1. Choose Open Directory Service from the File menu.

    The Select Directory Service box appears.

  2. Double-click the local name of the directory service to which you want to be connected (or click on the directory service name and click OK).

Opening multiple sessions allows you to copy entries between directory services. See “Copying server entries” for more information.

StepsTo switch between sessions

If you have multiple sessions open at one time, you need to activate a session before you can work in it.

  1. Activate a session by either:

    The dsedit title bar shows which session is active.

UNIX platforms

StepsTo open the default interfaces file for editing

  1. Select Sybase Interfaces File.

  2. Click OK.

StepsTo open a file other than the default interfaces file

  1. Select Sybase Interfaces File.

  2. Edit the displayed file name.

  3. Click OK.

    The Directory Service Session window appears.

You can open multiple interfaces file sessions with different files.

The Directory Service Session screen displays the full path name of the interfaces file and lists the server entries contained within it.

For procedures on using these buttons, see “Modifying server entries in Windows NT”.

Clicking the Add new server entry or Modify server entry button in the Session screen displays the Server Entry Editor window.

You use the Server Entry Editor window to view or edit server entries in an interfaces file: