The Adaptive Server Enterprise tutorials use the interpubs sample database in their examples; however, you can also use the pubs2 and pubs3 sample databases.
The following instructions show you how to install this database on the master device; however, your organization might prefer you to install the database on a different device due to resource constraints. For information on how to install the interpubs sample database on another device, or to install the pubs2 or pubs3 database, see the Adaptive Server Enterprise Installion Guide or your system administrator.
You can install the samples database using Sybase WorkSpace or a command window.
Installing the interpubs database using Sybase
Before you can install the interpubs database using Sybase WorkSpace, you must create a connection profile, as described in “Creating a connection profile for an ASE server”.
Launch Sybase WorkSpace.
Select Window|Open Perspective|Database Development from the Sybase WorkSpace main menu bar to open the Database Development perspective.
On the main toolbar, click the Choose .sql File to Execute icon.
In the Choose a .sql File to Execute dialog box, from the Files of type drop-down list, select *.*.
From the Look in drop-down
list, navigate to <drive>:
Select installintpubs and click Open.
In the Select Profile for the Editor dialog box, select the following:
In the Database type field, select Adaptive Server 15.x or Adaptive Server 12.5.x.
From the Connection profile name drop-down list, select ASE_Tutorials.
From the Database Name drop-down list, select master and click OK.
The installintpubs script executes and the SQL Results view displays the results.
In the Database Explorer view, right-click ASE_Tutorials and select Connect to connect to the server.
The Database Explorer now lists the interpubs database under the ASE_Tutorials connection profile. You are now ready to perform the Adaptive Server Enterprise tutorials. Continue to Chapter 2, “Stored Procedures Tutorial.”
Installing the interpubs database using a command
To open the command window, on the Windows taskbar, select Start|Run.
Enter cmd
and then
click OK.
Change to <drive>:\<ASE_install_dir>\scripts\iso_1
Enter isql -Usa -P -iinstallintpubs
In Sybase WorkSpace, in the Database Explorer view, right-click ASE_Tutorials and select Connect to connect to the server.
This interpubs sample database is now ready for use with this tutorial. You are now ready to perform the Adaptive Server Enterprise tutorials. Continue to Chapter 2, “Stored Procedures Tutorial.”