Restore the PortalDB provider configuration

Initially, Unwired Accelerator is configured to use the PortalDB security provider. If your system was changed to use the LDAP security provider, you can restore the PortalDB configuration using the following procedure.

  1. Change to the location of the file:

  2. Using a text editor, open global.propeties.xml, and set the value of the AuthenticationUsing property to “Database”.

  3. Change to the location of the csi.xml file:

  4. Open csi.xml, and verify that the PortalDB provider definitions are not commented out. The sample csi.xml file that is installed with Unwired Accelerator contains the following PortalDB provider definitions:

    <config:authenticationProvider    name=""    controlFlag="optional">
       <config:options name="DatasourceName"       value="java:comp/env/jdbc/portaldb" />
    <config:provider name=""    type="attributer" />

    The value of DatasourceName defines the name that is passed to the javax.naming.InitialContext().lookup(datasourceName) method to retrieve a connection to the portaldatabase. The default value is “java:comp/env/jdbc/portaldb,” and Unwired Accelerator creates this JNDI name automatically during deployment. If the DatasourceName configuration option is missing, the default value is used.

  5. To use the PortalDB provider only, comment out the LDAP provider definition in csi.xml. To comment out the definition, insert “<!--” at the beginning of the definition, and “-->” at the end of the definition. In the following example, the LDAP provider definition is commented out:

    <authenticationProvider name="">
       <options name="ServerType" value=”sunone5"/>
       <options name="DefaultSearchBase" value=""/>
       <options name="ProviderURL” value="ldap://localhost:389"/>
       <options name="AuthenticationMethod" value=”simple"/>
       <options name="AuthenticationScope" value=”subtree"/>
       <options name="AuthenticationSearchBase" value=""/>
       <options name="RoleScope” value=”subtree"/>
       <options name="RoleSearchBase” value=""/>

    To use both the PortalDB provider and the LDAP provider, verify that neither of the provider definitions is commented out.