Modifying the SalesEmailSend service

  1. Edit the SalesEmailSend service’s endpoint to match your e-mail server and client information:

    1. In the WorkSpace Navigator, expand the folder SybStore_Sample/Services/Message.

    2. Right-click SalesEmailSend.svc_msg and select Open With|Message Service Editor from the context menu.

    3. When the editor window opens, select the Service Interface tab.

    4. In the Service Interface diagram, right-click the endpoint icon, and select Edit Endpoint from the context menu.

    5. When the Edit Endpoint Wizard opens, complete the options for these dialog boxes:

      • Endpoint Type – select Server and click Next.

      • Endpoint Name – enter or accept endpoint and click Next.

      • Messaging Type – select Email and click Next.

      • Connection Properties – select Specify the Endpoint Properties... and set the Host, Password, Port, and User to the appropriate values for your e-mail client; for example:

        • Host – (the host of your e-mail server)

        • Password – ****** (your password to access the host, which displays as asterisks)

        • Port – 25 (the default port used to access the host)

        • User – (your e-mail address)

      If you do not know this information, contact your system administrator for assistance.

    Press Enter after your last entry and click Finish.

  2. Select File|Save from the WorkSpace main menu bar.

  3. To close the Message Service Editor, select File|Close from the WorkSpace main menu.