Before you begin this procedure, Unwired Orchestrator
must be running. See “Starting the Unwired Orchestrator server”.
Deploy InsertSalesOrder package.
In the WorkSpace Navigator, expand the folder SybStore_Sample/Services/Java.
Right-click the InsertSalesOrderService.svcpkgdef file and select Deploy Package from the context menu.
When the Select Target Server dialog box opens, select MyServiceContainer and click OK.
When a message asks if it should overwrite the existing package, click Yes To All.
The Console window displays the results of the package deployment.
If a message asks if you want to overwrite an existing
package, click OK.
When the process completes, a Deployment Status window states that the package was successfully deployed.
Click OK to close the window.
To close the Console, click the “X” on the Console tab’s title.