Every time the RAPCache server is stopped, the TAQ sample data contained in the in-memory cache is lost. You need to reload this data in order to run the RAP sample queries.
Before reloading the TAQ data, you can verify that your RAPCache server is running by following the procedure in “Verify that all servers are running”.
To reload the TAQ sample data into the RAPCache, run the script $RAP30/Data/RAPCache/RAP_Load/load_unix_ASE_TAQ_tables.sh from a command window on the machine that hosts the ASE RAPCache server. This script uses the bulk copy utility bcp to load the sample data into the RAPCache rapt and rapq databases. Errors are written to the files STOCK_TRADE.err and STOCK_QUOTE.err.
To check the status of the data loads, review the log file for Adaptive Server Enterprise. The default location of the ASE log file is $RAP30/RAPCache/ASE-15_0/install/<server_name>.log.