Adds an item to a list control.
To add an item to |
Use |
A ListBox or DropDownListBox control |
A PictureListBox or DropDownPictureListBox control |
A ListView control when you only need to specify the item name and picture index |
A ListView control when you need to specify all the properties for the item |
A toolbar item to the Toolbar control |
Adds a new item to the list of values in a list box.
ListBox and DropDownListBox controls
listboxname.AddItem ( item )
Argument |
Description |
listboxname |
The name of the ListBox or DropDownListBox in which you want to add an item |
item |
A string whose value is the text of the item you want to add |
Integer. Returns the position of the new item. If the list is sorted, the position returned is the position of the item after the list is sorted. Returns -1 if it fails. If any argument’s value is null, AddItem returns null.
If the ListBox already contains items, AddItem adds the new item to the end of the list. If the list is sorted (its Sorted property is true), PocketBuilder re-sorts the list after the item is added.
A list can have duplicate items. Items in the list are tracked by their position in the list, not their text.
AddItem and InsertItem do not update the Items property array. You can use FindItem to find items added during execution.
Adding many items to a list with a horizontal
If a ListBox or the ListBox portion of a DropDownListBox will
have a large number of items and you want to display an HScrollBar,
call the SetRedraw function to turn Redraw off,
add the items, call SetRedraw again to set Redraw
on, and then set the HScrollBar property to true.
Otherwise, it may take longer than expected to add the items.
This example adds the item Edit File to the ListBox lb_Actions:
integer rownbr
string s
s = "Edit File"
rownbr = lb_Actions.AddItem(s)
If lb_Actions contains Add and Run and the Sorted property is false, the statement above returns 3 (because Edit File becomes the third and last item). If the Sorted property is true, the statement above returns 2 (because Edit File becomes the second item after the list is sorted alphabetically).
Adds a new item to the list of values in a picture list box.
PictureListBox controls
listboxname.AddItem ( item {, pictureindex } )
Argument |
Description |
listboxname |
The name of the PictureListBox in which you want to add an item |
item |
A string whose value is the text of the item you want to add |
pictureindex (optional) |
An integer specifying the index of the picture you want to associate with the newly added item |
Integer. Returns the position of the new item. If the list is sorted, the position returned is the position of the item after the list is sorted. Returns -1 if it fails. If any argument’s value is null, AddItem returns null.
If you do not specify a picture index, the newly added item will not have a picture.
If you specify a picture index that does not exist, that number is still stored with the picture. If you add pictures to the picture array so that the index becomes valid, the item will then show the corresponding picture.
For additional notes about items in list boxes, see Syntax 1.
This example adds the item Cardinal to the PictureListBox plb_birds:
integer li_pic, li_position
string ls_name, ls_pic
li_pic = plb_birds.AddPicture("c:\pics\cardinal.bmp")
ls_name = "Cardinal"
li_position = plb_birds.AddItem(ls_name, li_pic)
If plb_birds contains Robin and Swallow and the Sorted property is false, the AddItem function above returns 3 because Cardinal becomes the third and last item. If the Sorted property is true, AddItem returns 1 because Cardinal is first when the list is sorted alphabetically.
Adds an item to a ListView control.
ListView controls
listviewname.AddItem ( label, pictureindex )
Argument |
Description |
listviewname |
The name of the ListView control to which you are adding a picture or item |
label |
The name of the item you are adding |
pictureindex |
The index of the picture you want to associate with the newly added item |
Integer. Returns the index of the item if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
Use this syntax if you only need to specify the label and picture index of the item you are adding to the ListView. If you need to specify more than the label and picture index, use Syntax 4.
This example uses AddItem in the Constructor event to add three items to a ListView control:
lv_1.AddItem("Sanyo" , 1)
lv_1.AddItem("Onkyo" , 1)
lv_1.AddItem("Aiwa" , 1)
Adds an item to a ListView control by referencing all the attributes in the ListView item.
ListView controls
listviewname.AddItem ( item )
Argument |
Description |
listviewname |
The name of the List View control to which you are adding a picture or item |
item |
The ListViewItem variable containing properties of the item you are adding |
Integer. Returns the index of the item if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs.
Use this syntax if you need to specify all the properties for the item you want to add. If you only need to specify the label and picture index, use Syntax 3.
This example uses AddItem in a CommandButton Clicked event to add a ListView item for each click:
count = count + 1 listviewitem l_lvi l_lvi.PictureIndex = 2 l_lvi.Label = "Item "+ string(count) lv_1.AddItem(l_lvi)
Adds a toolbar item to the toolbar control.
Toolbar controls
Integer controlname.AddItem ( item )
Argument |
Description |
controlname |
The name of the toolbar control |
item |
Object of type ToolbarItem that you want to add to the toolbar |
Integer. Returns the index of the item that you add to the toolbar.
The following example adds two toolbar items to the next available positions in the toolbar:
Integer li_rtn
ToolbarItem myItem
myItem.ItemPictureIndex = 1
myItem.ItemStyle = stylecheck!
li_rtn = tlbr_mytoolbar.AddItem(myItem)
myItem.ItemPictureIndex = 2
myItem.ItemStyle = stylebutton!
li_rtn = tlbr_mytoolbar.AddItem(myItem)