Manipulates DateTime values. There are two syntaxes.
To |
Use |
Combine a date and a time value into a DateTime value |
Obtain a DateTime value that is stored in a blob |
Combines a date value and a time value into a DateTime value.
DateTime ( date {, time } )
Argument |
Description |
date |
A value of type date. |
time (optional) |
A value of type time. If you omit time, PocketBuilder sets time to 00:00:00.000000 (midnight). If you specify time, only the hour portion is required. |
DateTime. Returns a DateTime value based on the values in date and optionally time. If any argument’s value is null, DateTime returns null.
DateTime data is used only for reading and writing DateTime values to and from a database. To use the date and time values in scripts, use the Date and Time functions to assign values to date and time variables.
These statements convert the date and time stored in ld_OrderDate and lt_OrderTime to a DateTime value that can be used to update the database:
DateTime ldt_OrderDateTime
date ld_OrderDate
time lt_OrderTime
ld_OrderDate = Date(sle_orderdate.Text)
lt_OrderTime = Time(sle_ordertime.Text)
ldt_OrderDateTime = DateTime( &
ld_OrderDate, lt_OrderTime)
Extracts a DateTime value from a blob.
DateTime ( blob )
Argument |
Description |
blob |
A blob in which the first value is a DateTime value. The rest of the contents of the blob is ignored. Blob can also be an Any variable containing a blob. |
DateTime. Returns the DateTime value stored in blob. If blob is null, DateTime returns null.
DateTime data is used only for reading and writing DateTime values to and from a database. To use the date and time values in scripts, use the Date and Time functions to assign values to date and time variables.
After assigning blob data from the database to lb_blob, the following example obtains the DateTime value stored at position 20 in the blob (the length you specify for BlobMid must be at least as long as the DateTime value but can be longer):
DateTime dt
dt = DateTime(BlobMid(lb_blob, 20, 40))