SQL Syntax Conventions

The conventions for syntax statements in this manual are as follows:




Command names, command option names, stored procedure names, utility names, utility flags, and other keywords are in bold.


Variables, or words that stand for values that you fill in, are in italics and are normally surrounded with angle brackets <>. Do not include the brackets when typing in the value.


Curly braces indicate that you choose at least one of the enclosed options. Do not include braces in your option.


Brackets mean choosing one or more of the enclosed options is optional. Do not include brackets in your option.


Parentheses are to be typed as part of the command.


The vertical bar means you may select only one of the options shown.


The comma means you may choose as many of the options shown as you like, separating your choices with commas to be typed as part of the command.


Words in angle brackets should be replaced with the corresponding name (such as a table or device). Do not include brackets in your entry.

SQL syntax statements (displaying the syntax and options for a command) are printed as follows:

sp_dropdevice <device_name>

Examples showing the use of Transact-SQL commands are printed as follows:

1> select * from publishers
2> go

Examples of computer output are printed as follows:

pub_id  pub_name               city         state 
------  -------------------   -----------   -----
0736    New Age Books          Boston        MA
0877    Binnet & Hardley       Washington    DC
1389    Algodata Infosystems   Berkeley      CA

(3 rows affected)