Master Device Is Lost and Valid Dump Does Not Exist

  1. Build a new master device. Refer to “How to Build a New Master Device”.

  2. With Adaptive Server still down, manually reestablish the number of devices configuration parameter if necessary. Refer to “How to Alter the number of devices Parameter Manually”.

  3. Start Adaptive Server in single-user mode. Refer to “How to Start Adaptive Server in Single-User Mode”.

  4. Restore system catalog information for the master database. Refer to “How to Restore System Table Information in master Database” or “Manually Rebuilding Adaptive Server with bcp”.

  5. Alter the tempdb database if necessary. Refer to “How to Alter tempdb”.

  6. Check Adaptive Server to verify that the system database sybsystemprocs is still intact. If it is not, rebuild sybsystemprocs by running disk init to initialize a device for the database and then creating sybsystemprocs on the new device.

  7. Execute the installmaster and installmodel scripts. Refer to “How to Run the installmaster and installmodel Scripts”.

  8. Use sp_addserver to add a SYB_BACKUP entry to the sysservers table:

    1> sp_addserver "SYB_BACKUP" null, 
    2> <correct_backup_server_name>
    3> go

  9. Dump the master database.

  10. Drop, re-create, and load any user databases located fully or partially on the master device.

    WARNING! Storing system databases sybsystemprocs, sybsecurity, and sybsyntax and user databases on the master device is not recommended, as this greatly complicates disaster recovery.

  11. Use the latest version of the configuration file to restore the configuration parameters.

  12. Shut down Adaptive Server.

  13. Start Adaptive Server in multiuser mode with the old configuration file. Refer to “Returning Adaptive Server to Multiuser Mode”.