How to Run the installmaster and installmodel Scripts

To execute the installmaster and installmodel scripts, located in the $SYBASE/$SYBASE_ASE/scripts directory, type the command for your platform.

Operating System



isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name < installmaster

isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name < installmodel


isql -Usa -Psa_password -i/usr/sybase/scripts/installmaster

isql -Usa -Psa_password -i/usr/sybase/scripts/installmodel

Digital OpenVMS

isql/u="sa"/p="sa password"/input=installmaster

isql/u="sa"/p="sa password"/input=installmodel

Novell NetWare

load isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name -isys:sybase\scripts\instmstr.sql

load isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name -isys:sybase\scripts\instmodl.sql

OS/2, Windows NT

isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name -ic:\sybase\scripts\instmstr

isql -Usa -Psa_password -Sserver_name -ic:\sybase\scripts\instmodl

NoteOn the Novell NetWare platform, each LOAD command must be on a single line.

The installmaster and installmodel scripts install the system procedures, set up some required Sybase internal tables, and install the privileges for the model database.