PowerBuilder extensions

Several PowerBuilder extension files are provided with PowerBuilder 11.0. If your application uses one of these extensions, you must deploy the files listed in Table 41-12.

Table 41-12: Files required for PowerBuilder built-in extensions



PowerBuilder Document Object Model

pbdom110.pbx, PBXerces110.dll, xerces-c_2_6.dll, xerces-depdom_2_6.dll

EJB client

pbejbclient110.pbx, pbejbclient110.jar

SOAP client for Web services

ExPat110.dll , libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, xerces-c_2_6.dll, xerces-depdom_2_6.dll, EasySoap110.dll, pbnetwsruntime110.dll, pbsoapclient110.pbx, pbwsclient110.pbx, Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.Runtime.dll, Sybase.PowerBuilder.WebService.RuntimeRemoteLoader.dll

In addition to the files listed in the table for EJB client, a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) compatible with the JDK on the EJB server must be available on the client and listed in the CLASSPATH.

For more information, see “Java support”.