Changes to existing system tables

Table 6-7 lists system tables that have been changed in this release.

Table 6-7: Changes to system tables




Changed column: rowpage to maxrowsperpage

The root column entry for a table becomes obsolete when the table is partitioned. Root pages for individual partition are derived from information in the new syspartitions table.


Added new columns:

  • name contains the configuration parameter name

  • parent contains the group to which the parameter belongs

  • value2 is used for configuration parameters whose values are character strings

  • value3 is not currently used


Added new columns:

  • value2 is used for configuration parameters whose values are character strings

  • defvalue contains default values for configuration parameters

  • minimum_value contains the minimum legal value for a configuration parameter

  • maximum_value contains the maximum legal value for a configuration parameter

  • memory_used contains the per-unit amount of memory used by a configuration parameter

  • display level contains the display level associated with a configuration parameter

  • datatype and message_num are for internal use


Added new column:

  • offline status bit is used by the upgrading database dumps feature