Definition of key and result

Data items are either keys or results.

By using a mix of keys and results to define recording session views, you control the data that Historical Server returns.

You can combine key data items within a view to narrow the scope of the returned data. With the inclusion of each successive key, envision adding the word “per” to a view definition. For example, page I/Os “per” database table “per” process. (Only certain key combinations are valid for each data item. See Table B-2.)

To return server-wide data, define a view with no keys. In a view with no keys, the result always contains exactly one row. (Only certain data items are valid at the server level. See Table B-2.)

Table B-1 provides examples of views using different key combinations.

Table B-1: View examples using various key combinations

View definition


Page I/O

Since there are no keys in the view, the result is page I/O for the whole server. For example:

Page I/O

Process ID (key), Login Name, Page I/O

The result is page I/O per process. For example:

Process ID     Login Name     Page I/O
1              sa             45
5              joe            100

Process ID (key), Database ID (key), Object ID (key), Database Name, Object Name, Page I/O

The result is page I/O per database table per process. For example:

Process  Database  Object  Databse  Object  Page
ID       ID        ID      Name     Name   I/O
1       5        208003772 pubs2 authors   10
1       5        336004228 pubs2 titles    35
5       5        208003772 pubs2 authors   100