create table


Creates new tables and optional integrity constraints.


create table [database .[owner ].]table_name (column_name datatype
	[default {constant_expression  | user | null}]
	{[{identity | null | not null}]
		[off row | [ in row [ (size_in_bytes) ] ]
	[[constraint constraint_name ]
		{{unique | primary key}
		[clustered | nonclustered] [asc | desc]
		[with { fillfactor = pct,
				max_rows_per_page = num_rows, }
				reservepagegap = num_pages }]
		[on segment_name]
		| references [[database .]owner .]ref_table
			[(ref_column )]
		| check (search_condition)}]}...
	| [constraint constraint_name]
		{{unique | primary key} 
			[clustered | nonclustered]
			(column_name [asc | desc]
				[{, column_name [asc | desc]}...])
			[with { fillfactor = pct 
				max_rows_per_page = num_rows ,
				reservepagegap = num_pages } ]
			[on segment_name]
		|foreign key (column_name [{,column_name}...])
			references [[database.]owner.]ref_table
				[(ref_column [{, ref_column}...])]
		| check (search_condition) ... }
	[{, {next_column | next_constraint}}...])
	[lock {datarows | datapages | allpages }]
	[with { max_rows_per_page = num_rows, 
			exp_row_size = num_bytes, 
			reservepagegap = num_pages,
			identity_gap = value } ] 
	[on segment_name ]
	[ [ external table ] at pathname ]



is the explicit name of the new table. Specify the database name if the table is in another database, and specify the owner’s name if more than one table of that name exists in the database. The default value for owner is the current user, and the default value for database is the current database.

You cannot use a variable for the table name. The table name must be unique within the database and to the owner. If you have set quoted_identifier on, you can use a delimited identifier for the table name. Otherwise, it must conform to the rules for identifiers. For more information about valid table names, see “Identifiers” in Chapter 4, “Expressions, Identifiers, and Wildcard Characters.”

You can create a temporary table by preceding the table name with either a pound sign (#) or “tempdb..”. For more information, see “Tables beginning with # (temporary tables)” in Chapter 4, “Expressions, Identifiers, and Wildcard Characters.”

You can create a table in a different database, as long as you are listed in the sysusers table and have create table permission for that database. For example, you can use either of the following to create a table called newtable in the database otherdb:

create table otherdb..newtable

create table otherdb.yourname.newtable


is the name of the column in the table. It must be unique in the table. If you have set quoted_identifier on, you can use a delimited identifier for the column. Otherwise, it must conform to the rules for identifiers. For more information about valid column names, see Chapter 4, “Expressions, Identifiers, and Wildcard Characters.”


is the datatype of the column. System or user-defined datatypes are acceptable. Certain datatypes expect a length, n, in parentheses:


Others expect a precision, p, and scale, s:


See “Datatypes” for more information.

If Java is enabled in the database, datatype can be the name of a Java class, either a system class or a user-defined class, that has been installed in the database. Refer to Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise for more information.


specifies a default value for a column. If you specify a default, and the user does not provide a value for the column when inserting data, Adaptive Server inserts the default value. The default can be a constant expression, user, to insert the name of the user who is performing the insert, or null, to insert the null value. Adaptive Server generates a name for the default in the form of tabname_colname_objid, where tabname is the first 10 characters of the table name, colname is the first 5 characters of the column name, and objid is the object ID number for the default. Defaults declared for columns with the IDENTITY property have no effect on column values.


is a constant expression to use as a default value for the column. It cannot include global variables, the name of any columns, or other database objects, but can include built-in functions that do not reference database objects. This default value must be compatible with the datatype of the column, or Adaptive Server generates a datatype conversion error when attempting to insert the default.

user | null

specifies that Adaptive Server should insert the user name or the null value as the default if the user does not supply a value. For user, the datatype of the column must be either char(30) or varchar(30). For null, the column must allow null values.


indicates that the column has the IDENTITY property. Each table in a database can have one IDENTITY column with a type of numeric and a scale of 0. IDENTITY columns are not updatable and do not allow nulls.

IDENTITY columns are used to store sequential numbers, such as invoice numbers or employee numbers, that are generated automatically by Adaptive Server. The value of the IDENTITY column uniquely identifies each row in a table.

null | not null

specifies Adaptive Server’s behavior during data insertion if no default exists.

null specifies that Adaptive Server assigns a null value if a user does not provide a value.

not null specifies that a user must provide a non-null value if no default exists.

If you do not specify null or not null, Adaptive Server uses not null by default. However, you can switch this default using sp_dboption to make the default compatible with the SQL standards.

off row | in row

specifies whether a Java-SQL column is stored separate from the row (off row) or in storage allocated directly in the row (in row).

The default value is off row. For more information, see Java in Adaptive Server Enterprise.


specifies the maximum size of the in-row column. An object stored in-row can occupy up to approximately 16K bytes, depending on the page size of the database server and other variables.


introduces the name of an integrity constraint.


is the name of the constraint. It must conform to the rules for identifiers and be unique in the database. If you do not specify the name for a referential or check constraint, Adaptive Server generates a name in the form tabname_colname_objectid where tabname is the first 10 characters of the table name, colname is the first 5 characters of the column name, and objectid is the object ID number for the constraint. If you do not specify the name for a unique or primary key constraint, Adaptive Server generates a name in the format tabname_colname_tabindid where tabindid is a string concatenation of the table ID and index ID.


constrains the values in the indicated column or columns so that no two rows have the same value. This constraint creates a unique index that can be dropped only if the constraint is dropped using alter table.

primary key

constrains the values in the indicated column or columns so that no two rows have the same value, and so that the value cannot be NULL. This constraint creates a unique index that can be dropped only if the constraint is dropped using alter table.

clustered | nonclustered

specifies that the index created by a unique or primary key constraint is a clustered or nonclustered index. clustered is the default for primary key constraints; nonclustered is the default for unique constraints. There can be only one clustered index per table. See create index for more information.

asc | desc

specifies whether the index created for a constraint is to be created in ascending or descending order for each column. The default is ascending order.


specifies how full Adaptive Server makes each page when it creates a new index on existing data. The fillfactor percentage is relevant only when the index is created. As the data changes, the pages are not maintained at any particular level of fullness.

The default for fillfactor is 0; this is used when you do not include with fillfactor in the create index statement (unless the value has been changed with sp_configure). When specifying a fillfactor, use a value between 1 and 100.

A fillfactor of 0 creates clustered indexes with completely full pages and nonclustered indexes with completely full leaf pages. It leaves a comfortable amount of space within the index B-tree in both the clustered and nonclustered indexes. There is seldom a reason to change the fillfactor.

If the fillfactor is set to 100, Adaptive Server creates both clustered and nonclustered indexes with each page 100 percent full. A fillfactor of 100 makes sense only for read-only tables—tables to which no additional data will ever be added.

fillfactor values smaller than 100 (except 0, which is a special case) cause Adaptive Server to create new indexes with pages that are not completely full. A fillfactor of 10 might be a reasonable choice if you are creating an index on a table that will eventually hold a great deal more data, but small fillfactor values cause each index (or index and data) to take more storage space.

If Component Integration Services is enabled, you cannot use fillfactor for remote servers.

WARNING!  Creating a clustered index with a fillfactor affects the amount of storage space your data occupies, since Adaptive Server redistributes the data as it creates the clustered index.


limits the number of rows on data pages and the leaf-level pages of indexes. Unlike fillfactor, the max_rows_per_page value is maintained when data is inserted or deleted.

If you do not specify a value for max_rows_per_page, Adaptive Server uses a value of 0 when creating the table. Values for tables and clustered indexes are between 0 and 256. The maximum number of rows per page for nonclustered indexes depends on the size of the index key; Adaptive Server returns an error message if the specified value is too high.

A max_rows_per_page of 0 creates clustered indexes with full data pages and nonclustered indexes with full leaf pages. It leaves a comfortable amount of space within the index B-tree in both clustered and nonclustered indexes.

Using low values for max_rows_per_page reduces lock contention on frequently accessed data. However, using low values also causes Adaptive Server to create new indexes with pages that are not completely full, uses more storage space, and may cause more page splits.

If Component Integration Services is enabled, and you create a proxy table, then max_rows_per_page is ignored. Proxy tables do not contain any data. If max_rows_per_page is used to create a table, and later a proxy table is created to reference that table, then the max_rows_per_page limits apply when you insert or delete through the proxy table.

on segment_name

specifies that the index is to be created on the named segment. Before the on segment_name option can be used, the device must be initialized with disk init, and the segment must be added to the database with sp_addsegment. See your System Administrator or use sp_helpsegment for a list of the segment names available in your database.

If you specify clustered and use the on segment_name option, the entire table migrates to the segment you specify, since the leaf level of the index contains the actual data pages.


specifies a column list for a referential integrity constraint. You can specify only one column value for a column constraint. By including this constraint with a table that references another table, any data inserted into the referencing table must already exist in the referenced table.

To use this constraint, you must have references permission on the referenced table. The specified columns in the referenced table must be constrained by a unique index (created by either a unique constraint or a create index statement). If no columns are specified, there must be a primary key constraint on the appropriate columns in the referenced table. Also, the datatypes of the referencing table columns must match the datatype of the referenced table columns.

foreign key

specifies that the listed column(s) are foreign keys in this table whose target keys are the columns listed in the following references clause. The foreign key syntax is permitted only for table-level constraints, not for column-level constraints.


is the name of the table that contains the referenced columns. You can reference tables in another database. Constraints can reference as many as 192 user tables and internally generated worktables.


is the name of the column or columns in the referenced table.


specifies a search_condition constraint that Adaptive Server enforces for all the rows in the table. You can specify check constraints as table or column constraints; create table allows multiple check constraints in a column definition.


is the check constraint on the column values. These constraints can include:

Column and table check constraints can reference any columns in the table.

An expression can include arithmetic operators and functions. The search_condition cannot contain subqueries, aggregate functions, host variables, or parameters.

next_column | next_constraint

indicates that you can include additional column definitions or table constraints (separated by commas) using the same syntax described for a column definition or table constraint definition.

lock datarows | datapages | allpages

specifies the locking scheme to be used for the table. The default is the server-wide setting for the configuration parameter lock scheme.

exp_row_size = num_bytes

specifies the expected row size; applies only to datarows and datapages locking schemes, and only to tables with variable-length rows. Valid values are 0, 1, and any value between the minimum and maximum row length for the table. The default value is 0, which means a server-wide setting is applied.

reservepagegap = num_pages

specifies the ratio of filled pages to empty pages that are to be left during extent I/O allocation operations. For each specified num_pages, an empty page is left for future expansion of the table. Valid values are 0 – 255. The default value is 0.

with identity_gap

specifies the identity gap for the table. This value overrides the system identity gap setting for this table only.


is the identity gap amount. For more information about setting the identity gap, see IDENTITY columns.

external table

specifies that the object is a remote table or view. external table is the default, so specifying this is optional.

at pathname

specifies the location of the remote object. pathname takes the form server_name.dbname.owner.object;aux1.aux2, where:

on segment_name

specifies the name of the segment on which to place the table. When using on segment_name, the logical device must already have been assigned to the database with create database or alter database, and the segment must have been created in the database with sp_addsegment. See your System Administrator or use sp_helpsegment for a list of the segment names available in your database.


Example 1

Creates the titles table:

create table titles
(title_id tid not null,
title varchar(80) not null,
type char(12) not null,
pub_id char(4) null,
price money null,
advance money null,
total_sales int null,
notes varchar(200) null,
pubdate datetime not null,
contract bit not null)

Example 2

Creates the compute table. The table name and the column names, max and min, are enclosed in double quotes because they are reserved words. The total score column name is enclosed in double quotes because it contains an embedded blank. Before creating this table, you must set quoted_identifier on:

create table "compute"
("max" int, "min" int, "total score" int)

Example 3

Creates the sales table and a clustered index in one step with a unique constraint. (In the pubs2 database installation script, there are separate create table and create index statements):

create table sales
(stor_id         char(4)      not null,
ord_num          varchar(20)  not null,
date             datetime     not null,
unique clustered (stor_id, ord_num))

Example 4

Creates the salesdetail table with two referential integrity constraints and one default value. There is a table-level, referential integrity constraint named salesdet_constr and a column-level, referential integrity constraint on the title_id column without a specified name. Both constraints specify columns that have unique indexes in the referenced tables (titles and sales). The default clause with the qty column specifies 0 as its default value:

create table salesdetail
(stor_id    char(4)                  not null,
ord_num     varchar(20)              not null,
title_id     tid                     not null
             references titles(title_id),
qty          smallint default 0      not null,
discount    float                    not null,

constraint salesdet_constr
    foreign key (stor_id, ord_num)
    references sales(stor_id, ord_num))

Example 5

Creates the table publishers with a check constraint on the pub_id column. This column-level constraint can be used in place of the pub_idrule included in the pubs2 database:

create rule pub_idrule
as @pub_id in ("1389", "0736", "0877", "1622", 
or @pub_id like "99[0-9][0-9]"

create table publishers
(pub_id char(4) not null
    check (pub_id in ("1389", "0736", "0877", "1622", 
    or pub_id like "99[0-9][0-9]"),
pub_name     varchar(40)  null,
city     varchar(20)  null,
state     char(2)  null)

Example 6

Specifies the ord_num column as the IDENTITY column for the sales_daily table. The first time you insert a row into the table, Adaptive Server assigns a value of 1 to the IDENTITY column. On each subsequent insert, the value of the column increments by 1:

create table sales_daily
(stor_id         char(4)         not null,
ord_num          numeric(10,0)   identity,
ord_amt          money           null)

Example 7

Specifies the datapages locking scheme for the new_titles table and an expected row size of 200:

create table new_titles (
      title_id    tid,
      title       varchar(80) not null,
      type        char(12) ,
      pub_id      char(4) null,
      price       money null,
      advance     money null,
      total_sales int null,
      notes       varchar(200) null,
      pubdate     datetime,
      contract    bit                            )
lock datapages
with exp_row_size = 200

Example 8

Specifies the datarows locking scheme and sets a reservepagegap value of 16 so that extent I/O operations leave 1 blank page for each 15 filled pages:

create table new_publishers (
pub_id          char(4) not null,
pub_name        varchar(40) null,
city            varchar(20) null,
state           char(2) null )
lock datarows
with reservepagegap = 16

Example 9

Creates a constraint supported by a unique clustered index; the index order is ascending for stor_id and descending for ord_num:

create table sales_south
(stor_id         char(4)      not null,
ord_num          varchar(20)  not null,
date             datetime     not null,
unique clustered (stor_id asc, ord_num desc))

Example 10

Creates a table named t1 at the remote server SERVER_A and creates a proxy table named t1 that is mapped to the remote table:

create table t1
(a        int,
 b        char(10))
at "SERVER_A.db1.joe.t1"

Example 11

Creates a table named employees. name is of type varchar, home_addr is a Java-SQL column of type Address, and mailing_addr is a Java-SQL column of type Address2Line. Both Address and Address2Line are Java classes installed in the database:

create table employees
(name varchar(30),
home_addr Address,
mailing_addr Address2Line)

Example 12

Creates a table named mytable with an identity column. The identity gap is set to 10, which means ID numbers are allocated in memory in blocks of ten. If the server fails or is shut down with no wait, the maximum gap between the last ID number assigned to a row and the next ID number assigned to a row is ten numbers:

create table mytable 
(IdNum numeric(12,0) identity)
with identity_gap = 10

Example 13

Creates a table named mytable with an identity column. The identity gap is set to 10, which means ID numbers will be allocated in memory in blocks of ten. If the server fails or is shut down with no wait, the maximum gap between the last ID number assigned to a row and the next ID number assigned to a row is ten numbers:

create table mytable 
(IdNum numeric(12,0) identity)
with identity_gap = 10

For more information about identity gaps, see the section “Managing Identity Gaps in Tables” in Chapter 7, “Creating Databases and Tables” in the Transact-SQL User’s Guide.



Column definitions

Temporary tables

Using indexes

Renaming a table or its columns

Specifying ascending or descending ordering in indexes

Defining integrity constraints

Unique and primary key constraints

Referential integrity constraints

Using cross-database referential integrity constraints

check constraints

IDENTITY columns

Specifying a locking scheme

Space management properties

Using exp_row_size

Using reservepagegap

Using at

Java-SQL columns

Getting information about tables


SQL92 – Compliance level: Entry-level compliant.

The following are Transact-SQL extensions:


create table permission defaults to the Database Owner, who can transfer it to other users. Any user can create temporary tables.

See also

Commands alter table, create existing table, create index, create rule, create schema, create view, drop index, drop rule, drop table

System procedures sp_addmessage, sp_addsegment, sp_addtype, sp_bindmsg, sp_chgattribute, sp_commonkey, sp_depends, sp_foreignkey, sp_help, sp_helpjoins, sp_helpsegment, sp_primarykey, sp_rename, sp_spaceused