Sample output

The following sample shows sp_sysmon output for the “Lock Management” categories.

Lock Management
  Lock Summary            per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  -----------------  ------------  ------------  ----------  ---------- 
  Total Lock Requests      2634.5         151.2     1580714       n/a   
  Avg Lock Contention         2.4           0.1        1436       0.1 %
  Deadlock Percentage         0.0           0.0           1       0.0 %
	Lock Detail                  per sec   per xact    count  % of total
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------
	Table Lock Hashtable
		Lookups 	0.0 	0.0 		0 	n/a 
		Spinlock Contention 	n/a 	n/a 		n/a 	0.0 % 

  Exclusive Table
    Granted                      403.7        4.0    24376     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total EX-Table Requests          0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %

  Shared Table
    Granted                      325.2        4.0    18202     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total SH-Table Requests          0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %

  Exclusive Intent
    Granted                      480.2        4.0    29028     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total EX-Intent Requests       480.2        4.0    29028      18.9 %

  Shared Intent
    Granted                      120.1        1.0     7261     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total SH-Intent Requests       120.1        1.0     7261       4.7 %

	Page & Row Lock HashTable
		Lookups 	0.0 	0.0 	0 	n/a 
		Spinlock Contention 	n/a 	n/a 	n/a 	0.0 % 

  Exclusive Page
    Granted                      483.4        4.0    29227     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total EX-Page Requests         483.4        4.0    29227      19.0 %

  Update Page
    Granted                      356.5        3.0    21553      99.0 %
    Waited                         3.7        0.0      224       1.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total UP-Page Requests         360.2        3.0    21777      14.2 %

  Shared Page
    Granted                        3.2        0.0      195     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total SH-Page Requests           3.2        0.0      195       0.1 %

  Exclusive Row
    Granted                        1.3        0.1      751      75.6 %
    Waited                         0.4        0.0      243      24.4 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
  Total EX-Row Requests            1.7        0.1      994       0.1 %
  Update Row
    Granted                        0.2        0.0      155      62.0 %
    Waited                         0.3        0.0       95      38.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------
  Total UP-Row Requests            0.4        0.0      250       0.0 %
  Shared Row
    Granted                     1699.8      103.3  1019882     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.1        0.0       46       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------
  Total SH-Row Requests         1699.9      103.3  1019928      59.7 %

	Next Key
		Total Next-Key Requests	0.0	0.0	0			n/a

	Address Lock Hashtable
		Lookups	0.0	0.0	0	n/a
		Spinlock Contention	n/a	n/a	n/a	0.0%

  Exclusive Address
    Granted                      134.2        1.1     8111     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total EX-Address Requests      134.2        1.1     8111       5.3 %

  Shared Address
    Granted                      959.5        8.0    58008     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total SH-Address Requests      959.5        8.0    58008      37.8 %

  Last Page Locks on Heaps
    Granted                      120.1        1.0     7258     100.0 %
    Waited                         0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total Last Pg Locks            120.1        1.0     7258       4.7 %

  Deadlocks by Lock Type       per sec   per xact    count  % of total
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------
  Total Deadlocks                  0.0        0.0        0       n/a

  Deadlock Detection
    Deadlock Searches              0.1        0.0        4       n/a
    Searches Skipped               0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
    Avg Deadlocks per Search       n/a        n/a  0.00000       n/a

  Lock Promotions
    Total Lock Promotions          0.0        0.0        0       n/a

Lock Timeouts by Lock Type   per sec   per xact    count  % of total
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ----------
  Exclusive Table                0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Shared Table                   0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Exclusive Intent               0.0        0.0        4      44.4 %
  Shared Intent                  0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Exclusive Page                 0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Update Page                    0.0        0.0        1      11.1 %
  Shared Page                    0.0        0.0        4      44.4 %
  Exclusive Row                  0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Update Row                     0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Shared Row                     0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Exclusive Address              0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Shared Address                 0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  Shared Next-Key                0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
Total Lock Timeouts              0.0        0.0        9 

“Lock Promotions” does report detail rows if there were no occurrences of them during the sample interval. In this sample report, “Deadlocks by Lock Type” is one example.