Sample output

The following sample shows sp_sysmon output for the “Application Management” categories in the summary section.

Application Management

  Application Statistics Summary (All Applications)
  Priority Changes         per sec      per xact       count  % of total
  ------------------    ----------   -----------  ----------  ----------
    To High Priority          15.7           1.8        5664      49.9 %
    To Medium Priority        15.8           1.8        5697      50.1 %
    To Low Priority            0.0           0.0           0       0.0 %
  --------------------  ----------    ----------   ----------
  Total Priority Changes      31.6           3.5       11361

  Allotted Slices Exhausted per sec   per xact       count    % of total
  ------------------------- -------   ----------  ----------  ----------
    High Priority               0.0          0.0           0       0.0 %
    Medium Priority             7.0          0.8        2522     100.0 %
    Low Priority                0.0          0.0           0       0.0 %
  ----------------------  ---------   ----------  ----------
  Total Slices Exhausted        7.0          0.8        2522
  Skipped Tasks By Engine  per sec    per xact     count      % of total
  ----------------------  ----------  ----------   ---------  
  Total Engine Skips             0.0         0.0           0         n/a
  Engine Scope Changes           0.0         0.0           0         n/a

The following example shows output for application and login; only the information for one application and login is included. The first line identifies the application name (before the arrow) and the login name (after the arrow).

  Application->Login:   ctisql->adonis
  Application Activity    per sec       per xact   count     % of total
  ----------------------  ----------    ---------  --------  ----------
    CPU Busy                     0.1          0.0        27       2.8 %
    I/O Busy                     1.3          0.1       461      47.3 %
    Idle                         1.4          0.2       486      49.9 % 
Number of Times Scheduled        1.7          0.2       597         n/a
 Application Priority Changes  per sec    per xact   count   % of total
  -------------------------  ----------  ---------  -------  ----------
    To High Priority                0.2        0.0       72      50.0 %
    To Medium Priority              0.2        0.0       72      50.0 %
    To Low Priority                 0.0        0.0        0       0.0 %
  ------------------------  -----------  ---------  -------
  Total Priority Changes            0.4        0.0      144
  Application I/Os Completed   per sec    per xact   count   % of total
  -------------------------  ---------  ----------  --------  ----------
    Disk I/Os Completed             0.6        0.1       220      53.9 %
    Network I/Os Completed          0.5        0.1       188      46.1 %
  -------------------------  ------------  -------  --------
  Total I/Os Completed              1.1        0.1       408

 Resource Limits Violated    per sec    per xact    count  % of total
 ------------------------    --------  ----------   ------  -----------
 IO Limit Violations 
     Estimated                    0.0         0.0        0        0.0 %
     Actual                       0.1         4.0        4       50.0 %
 Time Limit Violations 
     Batch                        0.0         0.0        0        0.0 %
     Xact                         0.0         0.0        0        0.0 %
 RowCount Limit Violations        0.1         4.0        4       50.0 %

----------------------------  --------  ---------  -------
  Total Limits Violated           0.1         8.0        8