Sample output

The following sample shows sp_sysmon output for “Kernel Utilization” in an environment with eight Adaptive Server engines.

Kernel Utilization
  Engine Busy Utilization:
    Engine 0                    98.5 %                                
    Engine 1                    99.3 %                                
    Engine 2                    98.3 %                                
    Engine 3                    97.2 %                                
    Engine 4                    97.8 %                                
    Engine 5                    99.3 %                                
    Engine 6                    98.8 %                                
    Engine 7                    99.7 %                                
  -----------             ---------------          ----------------
  Summary:                Total:  789.0 %          Average:  98.6 %

 CPU Yields by Engine         per sec   per xact    count  % of total
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------  ---------- 
                                   0.0        0.0        0       n/a      
  Network Checks
    Non-Blocking               79893.3     1186.1  4793037     100.0 %
    Blocking                       1.1        0.0       67       0.0 %
  -------------------------  ---------  ---------  -------
  Total Network I/O Checks     79894.4     1186.1  4793104             
  Avg Net I/Os per Check           n/a        n/a  0.00169       n/a   
  Disk I/O Checks
    Total Disk I/O Checks      94330.3     1400.4  5659159       n/a   
    Checks Returning I/O       92881.0     1378.9  5572210      98.5 %
    Avg Disk I/Os Returned         n/a        n/a  0.00199       n/a 

In this example, the CPU did not yield to the operating system, so there are no detail rows.