Chapter 14 Working with the PowerDesigner Plugin for Eclipse

Generating Java code from PowerDesigner Eclipse plugin

If you use the PowerDesigner Eclipse plugin, a Class Diagram can be synchronized with Java files. You do not need to generate the Java code. If the Class Diagram is not synchronized with Java files, when you generate Java code using Language→Generate Java Code, an Eclipse project is automatically generated or updated.

If you do not use the PowerDesigner Eclipse plugin, you need to import the generated project manually into Eclipse.

Importing a project into the Eclipse workspace

Steps To import the generated Eclipse project into the Eclipse workspace:

  1. Select File→Import.
  2. Select Existing project into workspace as the import source and click Next.
  3. In the directory selection window, select the project directory where you have generated the code.
  4. Click Finish to start importing the project.

Refreshing a project

When you regenerate Java code from PowerDesigner or modify some files outside Eclipse, you need to refresh the project.

Steps To refresh a project:

  1. Right-click the project in the Eclipse Package Explorer.
  2. Select Refresh.


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