Chapter 14 Working with the PowerDesigner Plugin for Eclipse

Find In Diagram

The Find In Diagram feature allows you to locate an object in a diagram from the Navigator or a source code file.

Steps To locate an object from the Navigator:

  1. In the Navigator, right-click an object Java file and select Find In Diagram.

    The object symbol is displayed selected (with handles) in the center of the diagram.

Steps To locate an object from a source code file:

  1. Double-click the name of an object in a source code file.

    The object name is selected.
  2. Right-click the object name and select Find In Diagram.

    The object symbol is displayed selected (with handles) in the center of the diagram.

Note   Outline view
To display the Outline view, select Window→Show View→Outline.
Activate a model diagram. When you click an object in the Outline view, it triggers a Find In Diagram. The object symbol is displayed selected (with handles) in the center of the diagram.


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