Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Mapping Editor Target pane

The Target pane displays the model where data is extracted. It is primarily displayed on the right in the Mapping Editor. However, the Target pane is displayed on the left pane in case of reverse mapping.

For more information about reverse mapping,, see Creating forward and reverse mappings.

The following toolbar helps you manage mappings in the target model:

Tool Description

Properties - Opens the property sheet of the selected target object.

Create Mapping - Creates a mapping between selected source and target objects. The mapping is materialized by a link and the mapping details appear in the Mappings pane. The tool behavior depends on the two selected objects.

Delete Mappings - Deletes all the mappings for the selected target object.

Filter Mappings - Filters mappings to show:
All mappings
Only mappings of the selected object
Only mappings of the selected object and its sub-objects

Filter Objects - Filters objects to show:
All objects
Only objects with mappings
Only objects without mappings

Find Target Object - Finds an object in the Target pane and highlights it.

Create Mapping tool behavior

Depending on the selected objects in the Source and Target panes, using the Create Mapping tool can lead to diverse behaviors:

Selected source >target objects What happens...
Folder, model or sub-object > object A selection dialog box opens to let you select an appropriate object in the source model.
Object > object
Sub-object > sub-object
Objects are automatically mapped together with their respective sub-objects if any when their name and code match.
Object > sub-object A selection dialog box opens to let you select an appropriate sub-object from the selected object in the source model.

For more information about objects and their sub-objects, see Creating a mapping from the Mapping Editor.

Mapping deletion and object deletion in the Target pane

The following table lists how you can delete mappings and objects in the Target pane.

Type of deletion Short keys
Mapping deletion del key on a mapped object in the Target pane to delete the mapping with its source object in the Source pane

Contextual menu: Delete Mapping
Object deletion shift+del combination key to delete a selected object in the Target pane

Contextual menu: Delete

For mapping deletion, you can also use the Delete Mappings tool from the Target pane toolbar.


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