Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Modifying the default mapping syntax

The Object Expression Editor dialog box allows you to build a textual or an XPATH expression from a list of objects.

The XPath expression allows you to locate a node (an element with its ramifications) in the hierarchical tree structure of an XML document.

When an XML mapping has several sources, the XPATH expression is built using the concatenation of the XPATH expression for each source object separated by a comma.

The Object Expression Editor dialog box is divided into specific panes containing the information shown below:

Information Pane location
Objects types Upper left part of the dialog box
Available objects Upper right part of the dialog box
Expression script textbox Lower part of the dialog box

The list of available objects depends on the selected object type. You can double-click individual objects from the list of available objects for insertion in the expression script textbox at the cursor last position.

When you commit your changes in the Expression script textbox, the object expression is updated in the "Mapped to" box of the object mapping property sheet.

Steps To modify the default mapping syntax using the Object Expression Editor:

  1. Click the expression script textbox where you want to insert the textual or XPATH script.
  2. Select an object type from the upper left part of the dialog box.

    For example, select Elements to display the list of available elements. The list of available objects of this type is displayed in the upper right part of the dialog box.
  3. Double-click the available object that you want to add to the script.

    The item is added to the expression script.
  4. Click OK.


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