Chapter 12 Creating Mappings

Conceptual Data Model mappings

In a Conceptual Data Model (CDM), you can create the following types of mappings to express a simple correspondence between model objects:

Both mapping types help to make object relationships clearer.

The following table shows all the allowed mappings with CDM objects:

Target CDM object Source OOM object Source CDM object
Entity Class Entity, association, inheritance
Entity attribute Class attribute Entity attribute, association attribute, inheritance attribute
Association/relationship Association Entity, association, inheritance, relationship
Association attribute Association attribute Association attribute, entity attribute, inheritance attribute
Inheritance Class Entity, association, inheritance
Inheritance attribute Class attribute Inheritance attribute, entity attribute, association attribute
Data item Data item

Mapping inheritances

You can map inheritances with CDM objects only when its child entities are not generated, i.e. when the "Generate children" option is deselected in the Generation tab of the inheritance property sheet.

For more information about inheritances, see section "Inheritances" in the Building a Conceptual Data Model chapter in the Data Modeling guide.


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