Chapter 7 Reports

Modifying the title of an item

Package, object, and object-dependent items all have default titles, and you can insert Title items anywhere in the Report Items pane and as often as you want. You can edit the default text of these report items.

Steps To modify the title of an item:

  1. Right-click an item in the Report Items pane and select Edit Title to open it in the Editor dialog box.
  2. Enter any appropriate changes to the title text. The user-defined check box will be automatically selected. To revert to the default value, clear this check box.
  3. [optional] Clear the Show Title check box if you do not want to show the title of the item in the previewed or generated report.
  4. [optional] Insert GTL variables that represent the name of the object, its parent, or model, etc at the cursor, by selecting them with the Insert button.
  5. [optional] Click the Format button to open the Format dialog box, and select the appropriate formatting.
  6. Click OK to return to the Report Editor. The first line of the title is displayed next to the item in the Report Items pane.

    Note   Modifying report titles in the report language resource file
    You can edit the default titles of all report items in the report language resource file that is attached to your report. For more information, see the Translating Reports with Report Language Resource Files chapter in the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner book.


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