Chapter 7 Reports

Previewing your Report

You open the Print Preview window from the Report Editor or from the End page of the Report Creation Wizard.

Note   Print preview a report item
You can preview a report item by right-clicking it in the Report Items pane and selecting Quick View.

Steps To open the Preview:

  1. Select Report→Print Preview or click the Preview tool in the End page of the Report Creation Wizard to open the Print Preview window:

The following tools are available in this window:

Tool Goes to preview

Print the report.

Preview the report one page at a time.

Display the report two pages at a time.

Go to the first page.

Go to the previous page.

Go to the Next page.

Go to the Last page.

Generate the report in HTML format.

Generate the report in RTF format.

Open the Find Objects dialog.


Close the preview.

Finding objects in the preview

You can search for mentions of specific objects in your report.

Steps To find an object in print preview:

  1. Click the Find tool to open the Find Objects dialog.
  2. [multi-model reports only] Select the model you want to search in.
  3. Select an object type and an available object, and then click the Find button to display a list of topics that mention the object.
  4. Select a topic in the list and click the Display button to navigate to that topic in the preview.


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