Chapter 6 Diagrams and Symbols

Symbol format properties Text Alignment tab

The Text Alignment tab allows you to define the alignment of text in the following graphic shapes: rectangles, ellipses, rounded rectangles, and polygons.

You can align free text vertically and horizontally. If the text is in a shape, it aligns with the borders of the shape. If the text is not in a shape, it aligns with text handles.

You cannot change the alignment of text associated with an object in the model.

For each graphic shape, you can define the following text alignment parameters:

Parameter Description
Center Centers the text horizontally and vertically
Word wrapping Displays text in the space taken by the graphic shape
Horizontal left Aligns text to the left according to a horizontal axis
Horizontal right Aligns text to the right according to a horizontal axis
Horizontal center Centers text according to a horizontal axis
Vertical top Aligns text to the top according to a vertical axis
Vertical bottom Aligns text to the bottom according to a vertical axis
Vertical center Centers text according to a vertical axis

When using the RTF text mode for free text, note that the Text Alignment format (except for the Vertical option) is disabled in the Symbol Format dialog box.


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