Chapter 6 Diagrams and Symbols

Dependency Matrices

You can create dependency matrices, which allow you to review and create links between any kind of objects. You can create an individual matrix from the Browser or define a matrix in your target DBMS or language resource file.

Steps To create a dependency matrix from the model contextual menu:

  1. Right-click a model or package node in the Browser and select New→Dependency Matrix to open the matrix property sheet to the Definition tab.
  2. Select an object type from the current model type to populate your matrix rows and an object type from the current or another model type to populate the columns.
  3. Specify how the rows and columns of your matrix will be associated by selecting one of the Matrix Cells radio buttons:

  4. Click the General tab and enter a name for the matrix (for example "Table Owners Matrix").
  5. Click OK to complete the definition and open your matrix.

Note   Defining a dependency matrix in a resource file
For information about defining a dependency matrix in a resource file (such as a DBMS definition file, or object or process language file) and for detailed information about its properties, see the Extending Your Models with Profiles chapter in the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner book.


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