Chapter 5 Objects

Deleting objects

You can delete an object from the Browser, a diagram, or an object list. You can choose to

If you delete an object that is connected to another object via a link object, you will also delete the link object.

Note   Deleting domains and data items in a CDM or PDM
If you have specified that domains and data items can be reused by multiple objects in a CDM or PDM and you delete a parent object to which they belong, these sub-objects will not be deleted with their parent.
For more information, see the Data Modeling guide.

Steps To delete an object from the Browser:

  1. Select the object node in the Browser and press the del key.


    Right-click the object node in the Browser and select Edit→Delete from the contextual menu.

    The Confirmation dialog box is displayed.
  2. [optional] Click the Impact button to evaluate the impact of the deletion (see the Impact Analysis chapter).
  3. Click OK.

    The object, its symbol, and any sub-objects are deleted from the model.

Steps To delete an object from the diagram window:

  1. Select the object symbol in the diagram and press the del key.


    Right-click the object symbol in the diagram and select Edit→Delete from the contextual menu.

    The Confirm Deletion dialog box is displayed. Note that if you delete a free symbol, such as free text, a line or a shape, no confirmation is required.
  2. [optional] Click the Impact button to evaluate the impact of the deletion (see the Impact Analysis chapter).
  3. Choose one of the following delete options:

  4. Click OK.

    The object (or only its symbol) is deleted from the model.

Steps To delete an object from a list:

  1. Select Model→Object to display a list of objects.
  2. Select one or more items in the list and then click the Delete button.

    No confirmation dialog box opens. The object is deleted directed from the model.
  3. Click OK to close the list and return to the model diagram.

Note   Undo deletion
You can select Edit→Undo to undo the deletion.
You can restore the symbol in the diagram, by selecting Symbol→Show Symbols and selecting the object's check box in the Show Symbols dialog box.


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