Chapter 5 Objects

Exporting and Importing List Report Files

It can be useful to exchange list report files between models of the same type. For example, you may want to compare the properties of a certain subset of classes in two OOMs.

You export and import list report files from the List of List Reports. A list report file has a .LRT extension.

Steps To export a list report:

  1. Select Report→List Reports to open the List of List Reports.
  2. Select the list report to export in the list and click the Export List Report in File tool.
  3. Select a location and file name in the Save As dialog box, and click Save.

    The list report is saved with an .LRT extension and can be imported to another model as needed.

Steps To import a list report:

  1. Select Report→List Reports to open the List of List Reports.
  2. Click the Import List Report from File tool.
  3. In the Open dialog box, browse to the location of the .LRT file to be imported, and click Open.

    The list report is displayed in the List of List Reports.


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