Chapter 4 Models

Interchanging Models Using the XMI Format

PowerDesigner allows you to interchange Unified Modeling Language (UML) models between different UML tool vendors using the XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) standard file format.

XMI combines the benefits of web-based XML standard for defining, validating and sharing document formats on the Web with the benefits of the object-oriented UML. However, the current version of XMI does not support diagrams interchange.

The current version of XMI is 1.1 and PowerDesigner uses the UML 1.3 DTD to generate XMI files.

Importing XMI files

When you import an XMI file, you have to choose an object language and the diagram to open (class or use case). You can then select the .XML file to import.

The corresponding OOM is displayed in the diagram window. By default all symbols are visible in the diagram window.

Steps To import an XMI file as an OOM:

  1. Select File→Import→XMI File to open the New Object-Oriented Model dialog box.
  2. Select an object language from the Object Language list.
  3. Select whether you want to Share or Copy the object language definition.
  4. Select the type of the first diagram to open in the First Diagram list.
  5. Click OK, browse to your XMI file, and click Open.

    A progress box shows the progress rate of the import process.

    The General page in the Output window, located in the lower part of the PowerDesigner main window, shows the objects import order. At the end of the import process, the OOM corresponding to the imported XMI file is opened in the diagram window.

Exporting XMI files

You can export your PowerDesigner OOM as an XMI file to allow it to be easily opened in other UML modeling tools or code generators like Java, CORBA or C++. Note that only objects from the class diagram and from the use case diagram are exported, and any symbols will be lost as only objects are exported.

Steps To export XMI files:

  1. Select File→Export→XMI File.
  2. Enter a filename for your XMI file and click Save.

    A progress box shows the progress rate of the export process.

    The General page in the Output window, located in the lower part of the PowerDesigner main window, shows the objects export order. Your OOM is exported as an XMI file.


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