Chapter 4 Models
Applying transformations on demand
Transformations can also be applied on demand in your model as a sort of design pattern. You can design a pattern using the transformation feature and "play" it in your model in order to modify objects.
For example, if you are working in an OOM, you can create a transformation that converts all analysis classes with the <<control>> stereotype into components in order to add an implementation layer to your model.
Post-Generation Transformations only
You can only invoke post-generation transformations on demand.
There are two methods for applying transformations on demand in a model:
- Add a transformation as a command in a main or contextual menu (see "Menus (Profile)" in the Extending your Models with Profiles chapter of the Customizing and Extending PowerDesigner
- Use the Apply Transformations window available from the Tools menu.
To use the Apply Transformations window:
- Add one or more extended model definitions containing post-generation transformations to your model
- Select Tools→Apply Transformations to open the Apply Transformations window.
- Select transformations profiles and transformations on the Transformations tab.
- [optional] Click the Selection tab and deselect any objects that you want to exclude from the transformation.
- Click OK to apply the transformations.
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