Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Switching organization unit representations

By default, you use organization units displayed as:

If you want to modify this default behavior, you can:

When you switch organization unit representations, the following occurs in the diagram:

From Result
Swimlane to actor The swimlane is deleted in the diagram, but the corresponding organization unit still exists in the Browser. Right-click the diagram background, select Show Symbols in the contextual menu, and select the check box corresponding to the organization unit to display it. Process attachments to the former swimlane still exist in its property sheet.
Actor to swimlane The actor is deleted in the diagram and automatically replaced with a swimlane if processes were attached to it, otherwise you must display the swimlane using the Show Symbols feature.

Note   Top-level diagram restrictions
Swimlanes are not allowed in top-level diagrams associated with BPEL languages or ebXML, only actors are permitted. For more information, see Top-Level Diagram Basics.


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