Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Displaying a committee process

A committee process is a decomposed process whose sub-processes are managed by several organization units. Its symbol is allowed to cover several swimlanes in order to show their links with sub-processes.

Steps To display a committee process:

  1. Open the property sheet of a decomposed process.
  2. Select <Committee Process> from the Organization Unit list and click OK.

    This value is only available for decomposed processes.
  3. In the diagram, move the decomposed process on the swimlanes and resize the process symbol in order to cover all the swimlanes.

    The symbol background color changes on the swimlanes corresponding to organization units that do not manage any sub-process.

In the following example, all sub-processes of Payment are managed in the Accountancy organization unit. The symbol background of the committee process is lighter and hatched on Sales and Delivery that do not manage any sub-process and do not appear in the sub-process diagram.

The background of the decomposed process symbol becomes lighter and hatched when it covers a swimlane that does not:

Note that this display does not appear in composite view mode.


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