Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Specifying implementation types

You can add additional detail to your processes by specifying the type of implementation required for their execution. Note that only decomposed processes can have their implementation specified with ebXML and BPEL languages.

Steps To specify an implementation type:

  1. Open the property sheet of a process and click the Implementation tab.
  2. Select an implementation type. The following list details the available implementation types, and specifies where appropriate, the required implementation object:

  3. If the implementation type requires an implementation object, an additional tab will be displayed or a field directly below the Implementation Type list, allowing you to specify a process, event, expression, operation, or data transformation upon which the implementation acts. You can use the tools to the right of the list to create an object, browse the available objects, or view the properties of the currently selected object.
  4. Click OK to save your changes and return to the diagram.

When a process is implemented, its symbol in the diagram displays a small icon corresponding to the implementation type as follows:

Implementation type

Reuse process
Execute operation
Receive message: the process provides service to partners.
Send message: the process invokes services provided by partners.
Generate Event
Timer event
Fault event
Compensation event


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