Chapter 10 Working with BPEL4WS
You design a scope construct using a composite process within a top-level process. It allows the definition of top-level processes in sub-graphs using atomic activities and orchestration elements.
Scope constructs allow the definition of local variables, correlation keys or event handlers.
The following extended attributes (accessible from the BPEL4WS tab of the composite process property sheet) apply to the Scope or Context construct:
Name | Internal code | Description |
Join condition | joinCondition | Each activity has optional standard attributes: a name, a join condition, and an indicator whether a join fault should be suppressed if it occurs. A join condition is used to specify requirements about concurrent paths reaching at an activity. The default value of the join condition (for the default expression language XPath) is the logical OR of the link status of all incoming links of this activity |
Multiple correlation | MultipleCorrelation | Used to define BPEL Invoke, Receive or Reply using several correlation keys |
Suppress join failure | suppressJoinFailure | Determines whether the joinFailure fault will be suppressed for all activities in the process. The effect of the attribute at the process level can be overridden by an activity using a different value for the attribute. The default for this attribute is "no" |
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