Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Data transformation property sheet Transformation tab

The Transformation tab contains the following properties:

Properties Description
Input variable Specifies a variable or an organization unit (to identify the partner to whom the message is sent). You can select an object from the list, or use the tools to the right of the list to browse the available objects, or view the properties of the currently selected object.

If you need to specify more than one variable or organization unit as inputs, you have to use the Transformation text box and leave the Input variable list empty.
Input part Specifies a message part when the input variable is typed by a message format. You can click the Properties tool to view the properties of the selected object.
Transformation (text box) Specifies the transformation details using XPath language (for simple transformations) or XSLT language (for more complex transformations). You can enter any appropriate information in this field, as well as open, insert and save text files.


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