Chapter 4 Building Business Process Diagrams

Service interface properties

You can modify an object's properties from its property sheet. To open a service interface property sheet, double-click its Browser entry in the Service Providers folder or double-click its name in the list of service interfaces located in the service provider property sheet.

The General tab contains the following properties:

Property Description
Provider Specifies the service provider owing the service interface. You can click the Properties tool next to the Provider box to display the service provider properties.
Name Specifies the name of the item, which should be clear and meaningful, and should convey the item's purpose to non-technical users.
Code Specifies the technical name of the item, which is used for generating code or scripts.
Comment Specifies a descriptive comment for the object.
Stereotype Extends the semantics of an object derived from existing objects but specific to your needs. You can type stereotypes directly in this field, or add stereotypes to the list by specifying them in your model's resource file or in an extended model definition.
Implementation Specifies a link between the service interface and an OOM class or interface. Use the tools to the right of the box to select an implementation object, view the properties of the currently selected object, or remove it.


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