Chapter 5 Customizing Generation with GTL

.foreach_part macro

This macro iterates on the part of the input template specified as the first argument to the macro. The template specified inside the block is translated for each part of the input, with parts delimited by a separator pattern.

.foreach_part (input [,"separator-pattern" [,head [,tail]]])

This macro creates a new scope wherein the local variable CurrentPart is defined to be the i-th part of the input template at iteration i. The Separator local variable contains the following separator.

This macro is particularly useful when you work with naming conventions.

For more information about naming conventions, see "Naming conventions" in the Models chapter of the Core Features Guide.

The following parameters are available:

Parameter Description
input Input text over which iteration is performed

Type: Simple template
separator-pattern Char and word separators

  • Any character specified in the pattern can be used as separator
  • [<c1> - <c2>] specifies a character within the range defined between both characters <c1> and <c2>

For example, the pattern " -_,[A-Z]" specifies that each part can be separated by a space, a dash, an underscore, a comma or a character between A and Z (in capital letter).

By default, the <separator-pattern> is initialized with the pattern (). If the specified pattern is empty, the pattern is initialized using the default value.

A separator <separator> can be concatenated between each part. <head> and <tail> expressions can be added respectively at the bottom or at the end of the generated expression.

There are two kinds of separator:

  • Char separator - for each char separator, the separator specified in the next statement of the macro is returned (even for consecutive separators)
  • Word separator - they are specified as interval, for example [A-Z] specifies that all capital letters are separator. For a word separator, no separator (specified in next statement) is returned

Default: " -_,\t"

Type: Text
head [optional] Generated before output, if there is one

Type: Text
tail [optional] Appended to the output, if there is one

Type: Text
simple-template Template to apply to each part.

Type: Complex template
separator [optional] Generated between non empty evaluations of <complex-template>

Type: Text


Convert a name into a class code (Java naming convention). In the following example, the variable %Name% is equal to Employee shareholder, and it is converted to EmployeeShareholder:

.foreach_part (%Name%, " _-'")

Convert a name into a class attribute code (Java naming convention). In the following example, the variable %Name% is equal to Employee shareholder, and it is converted to EmployeeShareholder:

.set_value(_First, true, new)
.foreach_part(%Name%,"' _-'")
	.if (%_First%)
		.set_value(_First, false, update)


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