Chapter 4 Extending your Models with Profiles

Calculated Collections (Profile)

You define a calculated collection on a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion, when you need to display a list of associated objects with a user-defined semantic. Calculated collections (unlike extended collections) cannot be modified by the user (see Extended Collections and Compositions (Profile)).

You create calculated collections to:

For example, in an OOM, you may need to create a list of sequence diagrams using an operation, and can create a calculated collection on the operation metaclass that retrieves this information.

In a BPM, you could create a calculated collection on the process metaclass that lists the CDM entities created from data associated with the process.

Steps To create a calculated collection:

  1. Right-click a metaclass, stereotype, or criterion and select New→Calculated Collection.
  2. Enter a name in the Name box. This name will be used as the name of the related tab in the object property sheet.
  3. [optional] Enter a comment to describe the collection.
  4. Select a metaclass in the Target Type list to form the basis of the collection.
  5. [optional] Select or enter a stereotype to further refine the instances of the target metaclass that may appear in the collection.
  6. Click the Calculated Collection Script tab and enter a script that will calculate which objects will form the collection. If appropriate, you can reuse functions on the Global Script tab.
  7. Click Apply to save your changes.


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